Vydane Skladby

Vietnamské obrázky
Những bức tranh Việt nam
Hoàng Thị Kiều Anh
ISBN 80-88884-73-X
publikácia č. 61
rok vydania 2006
počet strán 76
cena 13.28 Eur / 400.00 Sk

Vietnamské obrázky sú klavírne skladby pre mladých klaviristov a žiakov základných umeleckých škôl. Z hudobného hľadiska sa v týchto skladbách spájajú európske kompozičné postupy s vplyvmi tradičnej hudobnej kultúry, ktorá vychádza najmä z melodiky a stavby vietnamskej reči. Už samotné názvy skladieb Vietnamských obrázkov naznačujú, že boli inšpirované motívmi vietnamských rozprávok a ľudových piesní (Lotosové jazero a vrabce, Hrdina stratil moc, Ryžový bubon…), rôznymi náladami (Západ slnka, Vtáčik smúti za mamičkou, Jarná nálada, Osamelá cesta…), nájdeme v nich žartovné portréty zvieratiek (Kuriatko, Pochod svrčka, Malý psík, Nahnevaná opica…), no a v neposlednom rade aj obrazy vietnamskej kultúry a histórie (Fragmenty legiend I–III, Starý gong, Návšteva v pagode…). Autorka Hoàng Thị Kiều Anh (1966) je vietnamská klaviristka a pedagogička, ktorá od roku 1988 pôsobí na Slovensku a Vietnamské obrázky, ktoré Hudobné centrum vydáva vo svojej edícii inštruktívnej literatúry, sú jej prvým vydaným titulom.



  1. Bronze Drum > A Chick Eating Grain by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: ...
2. Bronze Drum > Fox Song by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
p>EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: ...
3. Bronze Drum > On Ponies by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Na ...
4. Bronze Drum > Frog Dance by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Tanec ...
5. Bronze Drum > Bronze Drum by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: ...
6. Bronze Drum > A Star on the Mountains by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Hviezda ...
7. Bronze Drum > From the Wind by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Od ...
8. Bronze Drum > Sea Muscles by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Morske ...
9. Bronze Drum > Coin Dance by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 2 minutes, $2.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Video | Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: ...
10. Bronze Drum > Foal by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 2 minutes, $2.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Zrieba ...
11. Bronze Drum > Delicate Experiences by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 2 minutes, $2.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Jemne ...
12. Bronze Drum > Pearls' Tears by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 2 minutes, $2.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Slzy ...
13. Bronze Drum > Wind in a Fog by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 3 minutes, $2.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Vietor ...
14. Bronze Drum > The Promise by Aki
Educational, World, solo instrument, 1 minute, $1.00
EN: From the collection of piano works Bronze Drum - 14 Piano Pieces for Children. | Engaging and appealing to the kids, with an oriental flavor. Publisher | Information about a composer inside the score SK: Prislub ...
